27 Sep 2016

Ultimate Net Promoter Score (NPS) Breakdown: Interview With Grigore Raileanu

Ultimate Net Promoter Score (NPS) Breakdown: Interview With Grigore Raileanu

I was at SaaStock last week, so this article got pushed a week later. By the way, very solid conference, if you are into SaaS in Europe I suggest you attend it next year.

Net Promoter Score (NPS for short) is pretty popular among SaaS people. Some people obsess over its number, others hate it and most of us fall somewhere in between. NPS is not only limited to SaaS, but to other businesses as well, such as brick and mortar businesses.

I didn’t know much about NPS, so after reaching out to me and reading a couple great posts of his, I invited over Grigore Raileanu, CEO of Retently, WeeklyGrowth subcriber and successful SaaS entrepreneur to shed some light on the topic.

This interview is a no-BS approach to NPS, answering topics like:

1) Why NPS number is irrelevant

2) What are some NPS benchmarks, but why they are misleading

3)  How to use NPS to reduce churn, get more advocates and increase MRR

I really enjoyed this interview, it taught me a lot and Grigore killed it with his answers. I am sure you will find great value in it.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

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