22 Dec 2015

11 Lessons I Wish My Younger Marketer Self Knew

11 Lessons I Wish My Younger Marketer Self Knew

When we all start out in our professional life, things can looks pretty hard. No connections, no experience and not a clue what’s the best thing to do.

In this post I share 11 lessons I learned the hard way in my past 3-4 marketing years, full of 12-15 hours workdays and I wish I could share with my younger self. Hopefully, it will help at least one junior and ambitious marketer.

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08 Sep 2015

The 2 Different Phases of Growth Hacking

The 2 Different Phases of Growth Hacking

Recently with the rise of tech startups and the ever increasing capital available for funding, the term growth hacking has become quite a trend.

Google Trends for the term "Growth Hacking"
Google Trends for the term “Growth Hacking”

Some people are skeptical with the term, others embrace it and others are looking for their unicorn growth hacker who will make it rain users!

Now, I am a “growth hacker” myself at a fairly established software startup, with both a SaaS product and a deployed enterprise one, but I consider myself a growth marketer.

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